RRago_pOlo's Page
Relationship status:Open
Country:South Africa
Favourite category:Anal
Education:bach. of commerce (accounting)
Rank:Beginner (41 points)
Birth date:December 25, 1896 (128 years)
About me:i am 1/2black 1/2white, my cock is 32cm long 3cm wide with veins that look like lightning bolts. my girl is whyte, petite and she is god. she lets me fuck other women n she may fuck other guys. her pussy used to be very tiny...but i have managed to render it loose, wide open n deep. her ass tastes divine, her ass smells heaven-scent.
Interests:besides makin money, i spend my time either on a prowl for new pussy or fuckin it.
My favourite movies:quinton tarantino movies
My favourite music:rap
My favourite books:i read a whole lot
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